Important Benefits Of Adding A Backup Camera To Your Vehicle

Adding a backup camera to your vehicle is not only an easy thing to do, but more importantly it is a smart upgrade to have done. Did you know that statistics show that 44% of accidental deaths that occur each year result from small children being backed over? Another stat indicates that children are backed over at least 50 times a day in the United States, 2 to 3 of these accidents prove to be fatalities. These numbers are quite shocking. SUV and Trucks have the worse offense record but that should not make the driver of smaller cars, such as the Toyota Camry feel at ease.  With today’s sleek vehicle designs; car’s trunks impede much of the driver’s view of what is behind their car.  This is especially true for those of us who are shorter and sit lower in the driver’s seat.  Back over accident s happen because we are backing up with a major blind spot directly behind the car and there is no way to know what we are about to hit.  Children love to play in their driveways, leave their toys in their driveways and can simply not be trusted to stay out of the way of your moving vehicle.  There is also the danger of backing over a careless teenager who is using the driveway as a place to lie out in the sun or hitting children as they return home from riding their bikes, skate boards or electric scooters.  Although these accidents do not get very much press due to the embarrassment of both the parent and the teen, it happens all too often and sometimes with fatal consequences.  There is no denying that adding a backup camera will help prevent back over accidents by giving the driver a complete view of the area they are backing into before the vehicle is in motion, and quite frankly should be required on today’s new vehicles. For a complete line of vehicle specific cameras visit